Which are the existing differences between the Public Cloud and the Private Cloud?

It is no longer unusual today to listen to expressions like Cloud Computing or Cloud Storage. In fact now this last is one of the most well-known inside the industry of information technology. The Cloud as such, has suffered a constant process of growth and evolution, fact that has parallel provoked that at the present time two types may stand out from clouds: the Public Cloud and the Private Cloud

The objective of this article is precisely helping you to understand which ones are the existing differences between both. For their part, some experts affirm that it comes to be very simple to distinguish them. In order to do this, the first thing that we should make is observing what is the function of every one? The Public Cloud is the one that we found commonly in the web and his main function consists in offering storage services of applications. While the Private Cloud, refers to the implementation of a similar service, but with the difference that here this finds itself protected by an internal Firewall of the company that hires it. In other words, this means that the type of cloud that we use will depend on our needs.

Usually the customers that hire a Public Cloud have to accomplish a monthly payment for the service, either during storage, time or bandwidth. Besides the companies that take care of the Hosting of applications can include in the above-mentioned fees, expenses for the use of additional software or for infrastructure. 

Nevertheless the Private Cloud is used when this finds operand inside the team of the own customer. The storage space does not share itself of fair way between the different areas of the company; on the contrary it finds itself segmented according to the requests that have every one of the involucrate areas. The advantage of this structure is that the company can always increase or reduce the number of utilized servers. This allows little companies of being able to expand its capacity and its functionality. 

Do you need more information to take the correct decision? 
From now on we will analyze every one of the most important elements that have influence of direct way at the moment of choosing among a Public Cloud and a Private Cloud

The first element without a doubt is the Economic. A lot of people consider themselves to hire a Private Cloud, results in the short term an overpriced investment. This is untruth, since these can develop from extremely basic structures. Inclusively at times they can use software taken down directly of the web. In addition, the Public Clouds, they do not oblige the customer to invest in infrastructure, but only has to pay for the space or time hired. 

Capacity concerning to the volume of data 
Most of the companies that hire a storage service in the cloud, they are small businesses that do not need great scalability for what the Public Cloud seems to be the best choice. However, with the Private Cloud the problem of the availability of space is solved from the first moment, since this can be added in blocks every time that it is required. 

Storage time (expiration of the service) 
Perhaps we find us in front of the element of bigger transcendence at the time of choosing. It is pertinent to point out that the longer our data remain in the Public Cloud, our cost will be bigger. Therefore, if the company meets changing constantly applications, this can result an ideal model. In the Private Clouds, time of expiration of the service does not suppose by no means an increase in relation to the cost. 

The performance 
The access to the Private Clouds comes true through Ethernet connections that have to say, in most instances he plucks up wire way where the rate of reading of data is reaching generally the 100 MB s. In contrast to, a completely different situation observes in the Public Clouds since there the bandwidth is limited by the supplier of Internet. 

The Security 
In almost all the pages dedicated to the analysis of the services of the Cloud Computing, many times we come up against contrary opinions that after all the only thing that they make us is to get mixed up. For that reason, what we should make is taking notice of the control that each one of them exerts on the data. In the case of the Public Clouds, they are precisely that; Public. That means that the confidence of our data will depend only and exclusively of the infrastructure that the purveying company has. On the other hand, in the Private Clouds the aspects related with security depend most of all on the contracting parties. 

Now then, when we talk about confidentiality it happens something like what's mentioned before. While on the contrary in the Public Clouds, confidentiality rules itself for the terms of use of the purveying company. In the Private Clouds, come up the internal regulations of the company that hired the service. 

We expect that this information be useful at the time of choosing.

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