This company offers you Hosting's service for its various applications, in that way you will be able to save money reducing expenses in the matters related with the investment of information technology (IT). Another one of the competitive advantages that offers this organization in reference to its competition is the fact that its main politics is based on the precept of allowing making more with more.
With Longjump.com you met working at a quiet and completely certain surroundings, and besides fully of useful tools. Thanks to these you will be able to focus on those problems that demand bigger dedication, for instance: The prices that are managed on the market, the preferences of the consumer etcetera. That is, you will take care of the merely commercial and administrative matters of your business, since he will be surrounded by professionals those who in turn will take upon themselves to be in all that have to do with technology. In addition to all the above, you will have always close at hand a report that permits you to be up to date on the most important aspects, such as: The availability of the service, time of response, the internal safety etc.
Forget to have to introduce the access code every time that he wants to enter to your platform of work. Longjump.com counts on a structure multiuser that in turn is completely personalizable, in other words, every one of the people that use the service will have their own configuration, resource management and processing. On the other hand, this situation enables organizing the different areas of the company of the user in a multilevel structure what for in that way he has the possibility of interacting with your customers in real time.
Perhaps the most important issue here of the service offered by Longjump.com, is the fact that since the year 2003 this place has kept itself in line in such a way that practically uninterrupted, fitting one surprising 99,99 % (we are talking to about 30.000 hours user).
Do you need help? If so do not get worried, since in seconds all your interrogations will be answered by truthful professionals. Those matters that are rated like easy to take a resolution will have a maximum one-hour response time. In comparison those that present a bigger degree of difficulty, will be solved at the same time not bigger to a working day.
Finally, it is important to emphasize than what he makes successful to Longjump.com, as the company that offers the model of Platform as a Service (PaaS) is that they take over of the whole maintenance as much of software (bringing up to date) as of the infrastructure as much takes inside and outside, assuring with it the optimal state of the servers.
This company is leader regarding offering services of PaaS, based in the innovation of applications web, offering vanguard technology which by the minute it makes disappear the complexity of the structures that they find within the different structures that compose the Cloud Computing.
BungeeConnect has a suitable distribution in order that developers do their job freely, with what productivity grows and the cost of the supplies decreases. This company is the only one in all the market that realizes a process of automatization for those applications that already have been created previously. That allows to its customers the possibility of investing to increase its presence in the Cloud, instead of that these carry on expensive payments of update.
Another benefit that BungeeConnect makes a contribution is the fact that it allows the customer working and keeping interconnected practically with any available data source, such as: The data bases REST, POX, SOAP etc. through a process of total integration. The developmental interface of applications is very easy to use, even for those developers that are not an expert on the matter. With this interface they can easily design all that they come up with, with only adding the necessary instructions.
The worried BungeeConnect to satisfy the requests of their customers offers a service of automatic bringing up to date, the moment that new versions find themselves available. In that way, the end consumer only will take care of unloading the tool that he requests. This comes true in real time and the best; It is done in a matter of minutes.
At last, mentioning that if what your company looks for is creating to applications from CMR, ERP etc or if what you desire is doing it to an improvement an existing product, that's to say, to carry through an invention with an article that already meets available on the market. Yes indeed, BungeeConnect is the option that was waiting for.
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