Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
This is a storage service of data bases in the Cloud and it is thought in order to make easy for the developers all necessary resources so that they accomplish his work without any problem. Have an extremely simple interface that allows the customer configuring a great deal of aspects, this at the same time provides him a total control on the platform. Besides the Amazon EC2 reduces time of response of the servant, it allows you to change rapidly your storage signigicantly capacity either to reduce it otherwise to increase it. Another benefit that is obtained when you hire Amazon EC2 is that you only pay for the amount of space that you use.
- You can choose a custom template to start working at that moment or if you prefer, you can choose to create a "Virtual Image Machine" containing all your databases, configurations, software and so on.
- Configuring the security level, as well as the outburst to the web.
- Selecting the type of Operating System that you are going to use, you will be able to do all the proofs that you believe convenient at this stage (starting, supervising and to finalize the different tools that you had installed) until you find yourself totally satisfied.
- Choosing if what's needed is an execution in several localities or if he requires having everything in a single place. For it can become established IP addresses fixed or adding a continuous storage of blocks of information, which goes guided to the different requests that they have examined.
- Pay only what you consume, in other words, per hour, for transference of data bases or for the storage size.
You can increase the transferential capacity practically in a matter of minutes. This allows sending big volumes from data to an extremely fast velocity. Just the same permit simultaneous shipments, herewith waiting time is quite a bit minor.
Total control
You will be able to negotiate all the aspects of your data base, inclusively interacting with other machines. An aspect to stand out is than any of the requests with which he is working with, that it can be restarted whenever you need. The restart can come true gestating from a remote position.
The Amazon EC2 allows selecting a configuration personalized of the memory used, of the CPU, as well as of the different partitions that they have in the hard disk.
Reliable service
Amazon offers to their customers an availability of service near to 99, 95 %.
All the Amazon EC2 products count on a tool that allows configuring a Firewall that takes over to control the access of the users. If it desires it you can hire an additional service of Private Cloud, which is designed to protect all your important data, through specification of levels of IP address.
When you realize a yearly payment, you spare yourself a sizable part, as compared with the fairly good price.
Windows Azure
This is a platform that nurtures a great deal of services. But mainly it takes upon to store the data bases that are located precisely inside the servants of Microsoft. The aforesaid applications should work in Windows Server 2008 and can even develop in languages like for instance: C + +, Java etc.
The applications that handle in Windows Azure they can be created through.Net Framework in languages Visual Basic same as with some other ones. One of the advantages of this service is that they can have a great number of computers were interelated at the same time in a single data center. Another one of the virtues it counts with is that the data that are used with bigger frequency are stored in cache, this is without a doubt its availability of outburst speeds up.
Blobs, tables and other applications can be stored in simultaneous way. For the Cloud Database Microsoft counts of exclusive way with the Microsoft SQL service
Besides with a Windows Azure is very easy the process of creating a virtual machine, since you have the possibility to choose among multiple predesigned templates. If the infrastructure of its company is based in the Cloud will be able to migrate several applications without the necessity to change his source code. Counting on this type of services provides you mobility and flexibility, since you can get connected from a remote source. Only we have finally still to say that the data bases of this platform work with the SQL system, which allows the total compatibility between everyone that share this said structure.
Fuente: Cloud Computing
Fuente: Cloud Computing
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