Which are the Cloud Computing's advantages?

Which are the Cloud Computing's advantages?

Unmade an in-depth analysis on this theme, we could think that they are many the benefits that brings us along using Cloud Computing's service. Nevertheless, most people think that they could sum up easily in two ways: The low cost that it represents for the company and of course, its flexibility.
So that this question has a most complete answer, from now on we will enunciate the main advantages that Cloud Computing's service has.


Have a complete integration with the services of the net By the way in which it finds itself designed, the Cloud Computing can integrate itself in an easy and simple way with most of the applications used in the companies (no matter what are these dedicate themselves to).

Possibility of offering its worldwide services If your company begins using this new mechanism like a tool of market, certainly in the short term the benefits, will be reflected since the Cloud Computing eliminates any physical frontier practically. Let's say, than now your products will travel free of taxes through the net and they will be able to be known and consumed by many people around the world. Something unthinkable only two decades ago.

Cost-benefit ratio This item proves to be one of the most attractive. For instance, to most of the companies that offer services for Internet, it costs to maintain active a traditional server around $800 monthly to them. On the other hand if he uses a servant based on the Cloud Computing, the cost decreases significantly getting over even some times only costs .15 cents the hour. Now, if this information will transfer it to a monthly period, we will get an average total of $108. This means that you save yourself the 86.5 % approximately; using this service this is without a doubt a really incredible thing. Just as well, the storage service can become extremely cost-reducing. For instance, in the web site Amazon this service has an average cost for Gigabyte from among 10 and 15 cents of dollar approximately.

You do not need any special hardware Because the infrastructure Cloud Computing counts on all necessary tools to work at the right moment of your deal, the installation from any additional or special component is not necessary for the computers that are in the company.

A way of working efficaciously and with fewer risks Those inexhaustible waiting times in which the companies were waiting for a person chooses his product were finished. Now with the Cloud Computing your information-technology tools (software) will be available practically in a matter of hours and will remain there indefinitely. If your company requires knowing which ones are the needs of your customers, you will also be able to add a fill-out form that enables you knowing your market niche better.

Forget all about of maintenance and of the updates You will never return to waste time in the process of update of the service, since this works out in an automatic way. The best of everything is that it makes maintaining your personalized configuration entirely, preferences and other data of importance as much for you as well as for your organization.

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